This model is a real-time neural network for object detection that detects 90 different classes (labels are available in org.jetbrains.kotlinx.dl.impl.dataset.Coco.V2017).
Internally it uses the EfficientNetLite as backbone network.
The model have an input with the shape is (1x320x320x3).
The model has 4 outputs:
num_detections: the number of detections.
detection_boxes: a list of bounding boxes. Each list item describes a box with top, left, bottom, right relative to the image size.
detection_scores: the score for each detection with values between 0 and 1 representing probability that a class was detected.
detection_classes: Array of 10 integers (floating point values) indicating the index of a class label from the COCO class.
NOTE: The detections are limited to 25.